Travelling Solo? Here's 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company

Travelling alone is one of the most freeing, rewarding, and enriching experiences a person can have. Not only will you get to know yourself much better by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone but embarking on a solo trip also allows you to be entirely selfish. You craft your own personal itinerary, change it up whenever you feel like it, and experience things (food definitely included) that you want to experience. Want to wake up at the crack of dawn for a sunrise safari? You can do it without worrying about bothering someone else. Want to sleep in late and relax in the pool all day? Do it! It's entirely up to you. Solo travel is definitely worth it, so keep reading for 11 fun things to do by yourself when you're jet-setting.

Get Lost in a New City
Unsplash | Jonas Hoss

Get Lost in a New City

Ditch the map, put your phone away, and wander (just always be aware of your surroundings when you're alone). Travelling alone means answering to no one, so go wherever your legs take you. Often the most exciting parts of a city won't be found in your guidebook.

Read a Book in a Café
Unsplash | Katlyn Giberson

Read a Book in a Café

There's no greater joy than a new book, a freshly brewed cup of coffee, and a free afternoon to enjoy them both. Make the most of it while you can.

Try Yoga
Unsplash | Kaylee Garrett

Try Yoga

The perfect antidote to a long flight or cramped bus journey, a yoga class will help you stretch out stiff limbs. Seek out a local yoga class by asking in a hostel or checking boards in traveller cafes.

Visit a Museum or Gallery
Unsplash | Etienne Boulanger

Visit a Museum or Gallery

Pick up an audio guide, and leisurely explore a museum or gallery. Learn something new about the country you're visiting in your own time.

Join a Tour Group
Unsplash | Harvey Enrile

Join a Tour Group

Don't be afraid to join a tour for the day. Group trips can make some excursions cheaper, and it's also an excellent way to meet fellow travellers.

Keep a Travel Journal
Unsplash | Cathryn Lavery

Keep a Travel Journal

Document your solo travel trip in a notebook. It's a satisfying exercise and will serve as a lovely memory of your trip for years to come.

Write Postcards
Unsplash | Jakob Owens

Write Postcards

Keep in touch with family and friends the old-fashioned way by sending postcards from your trip. Dedicate an afternoon to buying the cards and writing the notes while sitting in a picturesque spot.

Go on a Hike
Unsplash | Lucas Favre

Go on a Hike

Hiking is an ideal way to get some fresh air and exercise while seeing a new part of the destination you're visiting. Pick up a trail guide from a local hostel or tourist information centre.

Really Relax
Pexels | Bruce Mars

Really Relax

You have no one relying on you, so make relaxation a priority and really let yourself sink into it. Sleep in, laze by the pool, nap on the beach, or go for a massage.

Unsplash | Rawpixel


Travelling alone is an optimal time to give back to the country you're visiting. Consider spending a day or week volunteering with a local charity or organisation. You'll meet locals and immerse yourself in the culture.

Take a Class
Unsplash | rawpixel

Take a Class

This is the perfect opportunity to try something new! Sign up for that cookery class, enroll in that massage course, or go to that painting workshop. Classes also provide a great space to meet other solo travellers and socialise.