9 Ways to Get Your Glow Back and Keep It Going

Courtesy of AVEENO®
Courtesy of AVEENO®
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Your glow is that intangible aura of well-being you possess and exude when you're feeling great, inside and out, from skin to soul. When the stresses and strains of everyday life take their toll, unfortunately, your glow is often the first thing to go. While you can't change life's challenges, you can do something about how you face them.

So get the glow you deserve, and keep it going through the tough times with these simple acts of self-care that go a long way.

Invest in Nourishing Body Care
Courtesy of AVEENO®

Invest in Nourishing Body Care

It probably sounds a little ludicrous to practice more "TLC" when you're at your busiest. However, enhancing aspects of your daily routine with small self-care rituals can be all it takes to make yourself feel more loved, and you shouldn't underestimate the importance of those extra few minutes of pampering.

No matter how busy you are, there is always time for your morning shower, so get an effortless, everyday glow by investing in body care like AVEENO® Daily Moisturising Yogurt Body Wash (£7.89) in the vanilla and oat, or apricot and honey scent. This product contains natural (very finely milled) oatmeal, and nutrient rich yogurt concentrate. This product nourishes your skin, leaving it velvety soft with the scent of vanilla and oat or apricot and honey—a treat for your skin and senses!

Stick to a Sleep Schedule
POPSUGAR Photography | RC Rivera

Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Sleep is a necessity for keeping both your inner and outer glow at full beam. Getting into a sleep routine ensures you get the amount of rest required for your mind and body to repair themselves after the mental, emotional, and physical strains of the day.

Amongst other things, poor sleeping habits can enhance dullness and discolouration due to the lack of rest, and heighten stress levels from hormonal imbalances. Getting a good night's sleep is the key to getting the most out of your day.

Get Active
Courtesy of AVEENO®

Get Active

After long periods of being stationary, circulation slows and muscle aches and pains start to set in. Fit a workout in when you can, and simply try to remain as active as possible when you can't.

Keeping active can be as simple as easing your way into wakefulness in the mornings. Practising a gentle stretch routine from bed will release endorphins into your bloodstream for an early morning boost of happy hormones, and following that with a leisurely shower using AVEENO® Daily Moisturising Yogurt Body Wash (£7.89)—which recently won the Women's Health award for 'Best Post Gym Cleanser'—will keep the feel-good vibes going.

Eat Yourself Happy
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

Eat Yourself Happy

Fuelling up the right way is a great way to ensure you get the glow you deserve. Although it may be easier to reach for the less nutritious quick fixes when things are hectic, eating healthy will equip you with the energy you need to make it through the tough days.

Nutrient-dense meals, like a bowl of oats at breakfast, keep you fuller for longer and give a steady stream of energy that will get your body going and keep your mind alert.

POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich


If you're staring at a screen all day at work, or even just addicted to your phone, it might do you some good to allow yourself some screen-free time.

The constant scroll of social media can not only add to the clatter in our heads, but the blue light from digital screens can fool the brain into being alert at times when it needs to wind down.

Find a convenient time in your day to unplug from the internet and do something that relaxes you like meditating, reading a book, or simply sleeping if you're a bedtime scroller.

Sip Less Caffeine
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Sip Less Caffeine

It might feel impossible to face the day without your first coffee, but the very buzz you get from those early cups could be contributing to your energy slump.

Sip your way to a more sustainable energy high with lower caffeine sources that have the benefit of potent health properties, like a matcha latte.

Stay Hydrated
Courtesy of AVEENO®

Stay Hydrated

Our bodies are around 60 percent water, so it's imperative to your glow that your body is well hydrated, on the inside and out, at all times. To perfect a double-pronged approach, as well as drinking more water, use moisturising products like AVEENO® Daily Moisturising After-Shower Mist (£7.50) to keep your skin hydrated for up to 48 hours.

Get Some Sun
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Get Some Sun

Every living thing on the planet needs sun to survive, and you're no different. Safe exposure to direct sunlight allows your body to produce vitamin D, which is believed to play an important role in mood regulation.

So aside from being a nice break, taking a short walk outside during a busy time can also help limit stress-induced, common mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

Tune in to Your Mood
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Tune in to Your Mood

Music is a proven mood enhancer that can boost your serotonin levels. Keep a happy song or playlist ready at all times, to amp you right back up when the buildup of excess stress starts to threaten your mood and dampen your glow.

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