OK, This Glass Hotel Room In Norway Is Going Right to the Top of My Travel Bucket List

After scrolling through endless photos of Manshausen Island's glass hotel rooms on Instagram, a trip to Norway sounds pretty good right about now. Manshausen Island is a private island sitting above the Arctic Circle, and the resort that's been built on it features a series of stunning seacabins that give a whole new meaning to the phrase "room with a view."

The seven seacabins are situated on the edges of the island's cliffs, and they're built with large glass windows that face the water so that any visitor can enjoy their holiday in front of a gorgeous backdrop. Each cabin can accommodate up to four people, with two separate bedrooms — a master bedroom and a guest bedroom — as well as a specially designed bathroom and a small kitchen. It sounds like it'd make for a pretty sweet holiday if you ask me, but as you probably could've already guessed, you'd have to shell out a decent amount of cash to get a glimpse of those sick views.

Just one night in any of the cabins can run guests anywhere from 3,550 kr (£329) to 5,700 kr (£534), depending on the size of the group. If you happen to be in the mood to hit a holiday destination that was practically made for Instagram (and if you have a few thousand dollars to spare), the rooms are available to book now on the resort's official website. Read ahead to check out more photos of the Manshausen Island resort.