Here's What Your New Year's Resolution Should Be, According to Your Zodiac Sign

It's time to ring in the new year, and whether you're hitting the town with friends, celebrating at home with family, or cuddling up to watch the Times Square ball drop on your own, it's important to think about all the opportunities the new year brings for change and growth. There's a reason people are so apt to make resolutions this time of year; with the new year comes a renewed sense of energy and motivation to reach your goals. Not to mention, Capricorn season, which stretches from mid-December to mid-January, is coloured by that zodiac sign's driven, pragmatic, goal-oriented attitude.

And New Year's resolutions don't have to be huge changes like moving cities or finding a new career path. Smaller, more actionable goals are a great place to focus when it comes to making resolutions. After all, small changes add up, and you'll be surprised how doing a little at a time can lead you to reach some much larger goals. If you're having a tough time deciding what your New Year's resolution should be, we suggest letting the stars be your guide. Here's some New Year's resolution inspiration, based on astrology. Keep reading to see what your New Year's resolution should be, according to your zodiac sign.

Aries (20 March - 19 April): Take Up Meditation
Getty | Marko Geber

Aries (20 March - 19 April): Take Up Meditation

Aries, you're a sign with a lot of passion. You're bold, confident, and dramatic. As a fire sign, you are always on the move and comfortable with all eyes on you. But you're also known for your darker, more temperamental side. By meditating, you can get yourself into a better headspace and work through that impatience and anger that build up sometimes. Instead, you can work to channel your strong emotions into things you're really passionate about.

Taurus (20 April - 20 May): Reevaluate Your Wardrobe
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Taurus (20 April - 20 May): Reevaluate Your Wardrobe

Taurus, the lover of luxury and comfort of the zodiac, it's no surprise that you've accumulated quite a bit of clothes and accessories over the past few years. Now is a good time to spread the wealth and donate or sell the things you don't wear anymore. Consider this not only a refresh of your wardrobe but also a perfect opportunity to reconsider your mindset around consumerism. This could be a good time to recommit to only buying things that truly make you happy.

Gemini (21 May - 20 June): Start a Podcast
Photo by George Milton from Pexels

Gemini (21 May - 20 June): Start a Podcast

OK, Gemini, you know you want to do this, and while it feels like everyone is starting a podcast these days, you know you would be great at it. As an air sign, you have the gift of gab, and as a Gemini, specifically, you have a chaotic and humorous energy that would make you an awesome host. Channel your love for talking into building something. Just try to find a Virgo cohost or producer to help you keep everything organised . . .

Cancer (21 June - 22 July): Journal Every Day
Getty | Leonardo De La Cuesta

Cancer (21 June - 22 July): Journal Every Day

Cancer, it's no secret you have a lot of feelings. If you don't have one already, now is a good time to get a journal. By giving yourself concentrated time to work through your emotions, you'll be more able to nurture those around you, which is one of your greatest strengths. And those problems that can feel so overwhelming are often much easier to break down and deal with when you put them to paper.

Leo (23 July - 22 Aug.): Practice Gratitude
Getty | Marko Geber

Leo (23 July - 22 Aug.): Practice Gratitude

Leo, you love being the centre of attention. Ruled by the sun, the centre of our solar system, we can hardly blame you. While you burn brightly and keep the rest of us warm with your outgoing attitude, sometimes too much time in the spotlight can keep you from practicing gratitude. Get in the habit of writing down one thing a day that you're thankful for, and you'll be amazed at how warm and fuzzy this practice makes you feel.

Virgo (23 Aug. - 22 Sept.): Celebrate Your Accomplishments
Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Virgo (23 Aug. - 22 Sept.): Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Virgo, you're so on top of everything. You are organised, pay close attention to detail, and know how to get things done. But between all your hard work and helping others, you still sometimes get the sense that you're not doing well enough. This year, make it your mission to celebrate each accomplishment you achieve. Whether it's something big like landing a new job or something small like creating the perfect flower arrangement or trying a new recipe, celebrate yourself and focus on how truly accomplished you really are.

Libra (23 Sept. - 22 Oct.): Prioritise Alone Time
Getty | Kathrin Ziegler

Libra (23 Sept. - 22 Oct.): Prioritise Alone Time

Libra, you're one of the most outgoing signs in the zodiac. As an air sign, you spend a lot of time with other people and are a social butterfly, but you're also all about balance. Spending more time alone this year will help you get to know yourself better, which will be incredibly helpful when it comes time to make decisions or deal with conflict — things you tend to avoid. Just because you're used to being so giving with your time and energy doesn't mean you have to be. Spending time alone will help you navigate how to prioritise others and yourself.

Scorpio (23 Oct. - 21 Nov.): Let Go of Grudges
Getty | Richard Drury

Scorpio (23 Oct. - 21 Nov.): Let Go of Grudges

Scorpio, you're one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs, and that's because you have a lot going on under the surface. You're intuitive, deep, and perceptive. You're also not one to forgive and forget. Look no further than Taylor Swift, Scorpio rising, for evidence when she sings: "I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put 'em" on "Bad Blood." This year, let go of some of those grudges you've been holding onto. When you let go of past grievances, you'll clear up mental space that you can devote to things that will truly fill your life with happiness.

Sagittarius (22 Nov. - 21 Dec.): Don't Overcommit Yourself
Photo by Inga Seliverstova from Pexels

Sagittarius (22 Nov. - 21 Dec.): Don't Overcommit Yourself

Oh, Sagittarius, the most optimistic sign in the zodiac. You can get a bit carried away, excited by a million ideas a minute, and say yes to way too many things. While I know you want to read that new book, learn karate, and board a last-minute flight to New York City, sometimes it's all not possible at once. Instead of getting yourself into another awkward situation, saying yes to three parties with different themes that all start at the same time (an actual thing I have done as a Sag), think before you say yes! You can't be everywhere at once, but you can make the most of where you are now.

Capricorn (22 Dec. - 19 Jan.): Drink More Water
Photo by PNW Production from Pexels

Capricorn (22 Dec. - 19 Jan.): Drink More Water

Capricorn, the world would not revolve without you. You're hardworking, driven, and ambitious. But your go-go-go mindset means that sometimes, you forget to do the small things. Please, drink more water. And no, you don't have to finish that assignment or take this call or wash those dishes before you do it. Taking care of yourself doesn't have to be a reward for crossing a task off your list; it's simply important because it's for you.

Aquarius (20 Jan. - 18 Feb.): Reconnect With Old Friends
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Aquarius (20 Jan. - 18 Feb.): Reconnect With Old Friends

Aquarius, the independent, not-like-other-girls sign in the zodiac. You're creative and totally comfortable within your own world. While you're certainly not lacking in social skills, sometimes you cut yourself off from a group. This year, reconnect with the friends you've lost contact with. Take comfort in rekindling friendships with the people who have historically been there for you, and nurture those relationships. It's all about quality over quantity here.

Pisces (19 Feb. - 20 March): Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
Photo by Farhan Abas from Pexels

Pisces (19 Feb. - 20 March): Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

Pisces, you are a sensitive and creative sign, and you're also one of the most spiritually in-tune signs in the zodiac. So here it is: this is your sign to volunteer at an animal shelter or start working with animals in some capacity this year. As an intuitive person, you'll be able to connect with the animals, and as a sign that tends to need some emotional support from time to time, they'll be right there for you, too. Just be warned that you'll have to resist the urge to take them all home with you . . .