14 Ways to Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine's Day

Whether you're single or in a relationship, the big question of what to do on Valentine's Day comes up every year. But regardless of your relationship status, you should absolutely use it as an opportunity to ensure you feel loved and cared for however that looks for you. Maybe it's an all-day movie marathon spent buried in a pile of pillows. Maybe it's baking and snacking on your favourite foods. Or maybe your ideal solo Valentine's Day means getting a manicure followed by a reservation for one at your favourite restaurant. Truly, the activities you can do alone on Valentine's Day are endless.

This commercial holiday heavily centres romantic love between couples, but in reality, love comes in myriad other forms. Take the holiday of love as a day to show yourself some of that love you pour into everyone and everything else. You don't need a date or even a firm reason to have a good time; you just need you and whatever makes you feel loved, happy, inspired, and excited. If you're confused as to what to do on Valentine's Day, here are 14 things to do alone on Valentine's Day.

— Additional reporting by Theresa Massony and Taylor Andrews

Buy Yourself the Prettiest Bouquet of Flowers
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

Buy Yourself the Prettiest Bouquet of Flowers

There's something so satisfying about about a fresh, colourful bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase on your kitchen table. And the best part? You don't have to wait for anyone else to buy flowers for you.

Take a Hot Bubble Bath
Unsplash | Matheus Frade

Take a Hot Bubble Bath

Use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to practice self-care all night long. Light your favourite candles, pour yourself a glass of your favourite drink, and run a hot bath you can relax in for as long as you want.

Make a Solo Dinner Reservation at Your Favourite Spot
Unsplash | Casey Lee

Make a Solo Dinner Reservation at Your Favourite Spot

So often, we save our favourite restaurants, shops, or bars for elusive "special occasions". Regardless of your relationship status, Valentine's Day is a special occasion for which you should treat yourself to a night at your favourite spot. Splurge on an overpriced cocktail and devour your favourite dish.

Make a Vision Board
Pexels | cottonbro

Make a Vision Board

Spend your night looking at all the things you love and the possibilities that excite you. Buy your favourite magazines, print your favourite pictures, and collage them all together into a vision board as you think about all the big goals and plans you hope to achieve. Trust us, you'll feel invigourated.

Go Lingerie Shopping
Pexels | Castorly Stock

Go Lingerie Shopping

Truthfully, any day is a good day to buy yourself some lingerie that makes you feel sexier than ever, but if it's been a minute since you've done so, Valentine's Day is your time. While you're at it, slip on any sexy lingerie or outfits you already have to really set the mood.

Take Yourself on a Movie Date
Unsplash | Merch Hüsey

Take Yourself on a Movie Date

Sure, you could wait until it hits a streaming service, but if you're able to, just take yourself to see the movie you've been itching to see. Get the biggest bucket of popcorn and the biggest Tango Ice Blast you can hold and give yourself a night to bask in the nostalgic feeling of a night at the movies.

Have a Movie Marathon at Home
Unsplash | Jens Kreuter

Have a Movie Marathon at Home

If a trip to the cinema isn't an option, you know what to do instead: turn your living room or bedroom into the ultimate personal theatre. Dim the lights, gather all your favourite snacks, and nestle yourself in piles of pillows as you queue up the best movie lineup you can think of. Don't forget to add some drinks to the mix too.

Treat Yourself to the Most Decadent Desserts
Unsplash | Greta Punch

Treat Yourself to the Most Decadent Desserts

That bakery on your street that practically hypnotizes you with its smell? Yeah, take your butt right through the door and order whatever makes your mouth water. Tonight, it's not love at first sight, it's love at first bite.

Give Yourself an At-Home Spa Moment
Getty | Hirurg

Give Yourself an At-Home Spa Moment

Think about your perfect spa scenario and set that scene in your own home. Get your essential-oil diffuser going. Pull on your plushest robe. Slather on your most expensive face mask. It's time to make yourself feel as pampered and relaxed as possible.

Get Your Nails Done
Getty | Ridofranz

Get Your Nails Done

It's always a good time for a mani/pedi session, but even more so on Valentine's Day. Just close your eyes and let the pros take the reins in giving you the manicure you've been wanting.

Have a Bake Fest at Home
Unsplash | Karlis Dambrans

Have a Bake Fest at Home

Regardless of cooking abilities, having a little baking session at home is sure to be a good time. Turn up your favourite playlist and FaceTime a friend while you do it. At the end of the night, you'll feel full with laughs, love, and all the treats you just made.

Check Out a Local Show
Unsplash | Alex Bracken

Check Out a Local Show

If you can safely attend a public event, use it as an opportunity to take yourself on a date. Perhaps that's a trip to see your favourite local band or a night at a nearby comedy show. Either way, a night doing something you're excited about is a night well spent.

Have a Pizza-and-Wine Night
Unsplash | The Nix Company

Have a Pizza-and-Wine Night

There's something so sacred about a pizza-and wine-night — as if the combination of cheese-covered bread and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon can make you feel unstoppable. Don't question it; just partake in it.

Buy Yourself Something Nice
Getty | kali9

Buy Yourself Something Nice

Overall, taking a minute to make yourself feel special with a little retail therapy goes a long way. If you've had something in your cart or on your mind, waiting for the right time to splurge, that time is now.