PSA: Summer Isn't Over Until Sept. 23, So Let's Just Stop Saying It Is

Look, we all love Fall. I mean, what's not to love? Pumpkin spice lattes, cosy flannel, apple picking, and beautiful foliage are just some of our favourite things about the season. But while we're definitely looking forward to all of that and more, let's be very clear here — it's still Summer. In fact, it's Summer until Sept. 23, so can we please stop saying it's over?

Quickly ushering Fall in after Labour Day is like leaving a concert before the encore. Although the encore is at the very end, it's also notoriously the best part of the show.

Summer seems to get thrown away immediately after Labour Day, with everyone saying "goodbye" with sunset photos on Instagram. And while, yes, Labour Day marks the end of Summer holiday for those who are still in school, it still doesn't mean the season — and all the goodness that comes along with it — is over yet! You can still drink on a rooftop with your friends, drive around with your windows down while blasting Summer jams, hit the beach on sticky days, and make s'mores over a bonfire at night.

Quickly ushering Fall in after Labour Day is like leaving a concert before the encore. Although the encore is at the very end, it's also notoriously the best part of the show. So why would you want to throw away what could very well be the best few weeks of Summer? The pumpkin-scented candles can wait — keep enjoying those boozy popsicles and iced coffees, people! Don't let them go!

Oh, and if you're looking for one more Summer getaway to cap off the season, September is one of the best months to travel. Flights are cheaper than peak Summer (June-August) and kids are back in school, which means crowds have significantly declined at popular destinations (girls' trip to Disney, anyone?). All I'm saying is you should be taking full advantage of those last Summer adventures before Fall comes.

However you spend it, keep Summer thriving these last few weeks. Fall will be there, waiting for you when it's time, but for now? It's still sweet summertime.