I Use This Instagram Hack Every Day For More "Likes"

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois
POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

Instagram can be a great tool for connecting with friends and family and even making some friends in the process. But the new Instagram algorithm only shows your awesome photos to a select amount of followers each day based on engagement. If you're tired of that and want more people to see that super awesome holiday you went on, there's a new way to do just that on the social media site! If you're ready for more engagement on your feed, follow the steps ahead!

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

Upload your photo like you normally would to Instagram. Include any tags, hashtags, and geotags and filter away. Once your photo is uploaded, head to your profile and click on the post from your grid. Then find the message icon (which looks like a paper aeroplane) next to the "Like" and "Comment" buttons.

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

The first option will be to "add this post to your story." Tap on that.

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

You will be redirected to edit your new story with your most recent post already added in, along with your account being tagged. Here, you can edit your new story however you like.

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

Giving people instructions on how to use this new hack on Instagram is a good idea, so saying something like, "Tap to see my most recent post!" or "Tap to tell me your favourite food!" is a great way to get people to engage. Adding a relevant hashtag will bring more people to see your new story and interact with your profile as well.

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

When you're done setting your new story up, select the "Send To" button on the bottom of the screen and select "Your Story," which should be the first option.

POPSUGAR Photography | Megan duBois

Your new post has now been added to your Instagram Story! When you tap on the picture in the story, it will say "See Post." People can click that to go directly to your new Instagram post.

When your followers and people from the relevant hashtag see your new post in your story, they are more likely to go see it rather than searching out your account to see if you've posted something new. Do note that Instagram is always changing and expanding how users interact with each other, so if this hack doesn't work for you and your account to increase engagement, find something else that does! You might just stumble upon something great everyone will be doing soon.