Want to Up Your Instagram Game? These Are the Tips You Didn't Know You Needed From TikTok

TikTok is the place to go for all things tips and tricks, and wouldn't you know it, it's full of top-notch Instagram hacks that will take your content to a whole new level. The social media platform is home to content creators, influencers, models, and everyday Instagram users who have knowledge they want to share with those who want to step up their game. If you're working on growing your following, there are tricks that'll make you see your followers soar. If you want to learn how work your angles, there are poses here that can help you do just that. And, if you want to snap a Story that's bound to get someone's attention, there are hacks here that you need to try.

Give your Instagram page a whole new aesthetic when you take notes from these influencer-worthy tips. Complete with ways to improve your iPhone's camera quality to finding the coolest stickers to add your stories, and so much more, these hacks will help you rack in the likes like never before. After following these tips, you can make your IG the one that other people use for inspiration. Check out the best Instagram hacks you can learn from TikTokers right here.


How to Make Instagram Photos Clearer

Make your images crystal-clear when you follow these tips. First, clean off your lens! It might not look dirty, but it is. Then, tap on the camera screen before you take a photo to make sure the subject is in focus. Lastly, go to "Settings" and turn on Smart HDR.


How to Add Multiple Videos to an Instagram Story

First, create a video or photo to your Story like normal. Then, click on the sticker button (the one that looks like a square smiley face with one corner pulling up). Slide down until you see a camera-roll button, which features a tiny circular thumbnail of the last picture in your camera roll. From there, select a picture to add. You can adjust the size with your fingers, then adjust the size of the original photo or video you took. Add as many more photos as you want, arranging them in whatever size and position you want with your fingers.


How to Add a Background Photo to Your Instagram Story

To add a background image to an IG story, go to your feed and add the image to your story that you want to feature. Then, go to the bottom left square and choose whatever photo you want behind it.


How to Make a Rainbow Effect on Instagram Stories

Create rainbow text on Instagram Stories when you follow these steps. First, write out a text in your Story. With your left hand select the text, and with your right hand swipe across the colours. Move both at the same time, and you will be left with rainbow text.


How to Remove Things From the Back of a Photo

To remove things from photos, download the app TouchRetouch. You can delete things in the photo like signs, people, and more. Try it out! It'll make photos much less busy.


How to Unsee Someone’s Instagram Story

If you watch someone's Story and you don't want them to see that you've seen it, go to their page and block them. This way it won't show your name when they go to see who has viewed it.


How to Improve Your SEO on Instagram

Make your account easier to find when you follow these SEO tips. First, make sure your account is public. Then, any time you post a picture, make sure you add relevant keywords to the captions. You can also add in keywords to your bio. Additionally, use the "alt text" tool to add in keywords. Now your profile should be easier to find.


How to Add Alt Text on an Instagram Photo

Have you heard about "alt text," but you're not sure how to utilise the tool? Here's how: to add alt text to your image, go down to "Advanced Settings" before you post a photo to your page. Write out keywords and explain what the photo is about, and this will make your photo easier for people to find.


How to Get the Collage Background on Instagram Stories

To create a cool collage background on your Story, screenshot your page or the page you want to feature. Then, put the image you want to feature on your Story, screenshot it, and crop it. Import the collage photo and stretch it so it fills the whole screen. Import the screenshot you took, and your work here is done!


How to Edit Images Like an Influencer

Download these three apps if you want to make your images more aesthetically pleasing. First, use Kuni Cam if you like vintage vibes. If you want to dabble with collages, download Collagable since it has supercool designs. Lastly, if you're trying to really edit a photo, use Facetune 2 since it's more precise.


How to Grow Your Instagram Following

To get more followers, add hashtags when you post a Story. If you want to hide the hashtags, simply position them behind the photo you are posting. No one will be able to see them, but people who are looking at hashtags will see your content.


How to Make a Boomerang More Interesting

Did you know that you can add edits to a boomerang? Once you snap a boom, go to the infinity sign at the top of the page. Click it, and it will let you cut a boomerang to a specific length you want or apply filters like slow motion and echo.


How to Block Instagram Comments From Your Photo

If you want to block certain comments from appearing on your posts, go to "Settings." Click "Privacy" and then hit "Comments." Turn on the manual filter and type in any words you don't want to see on your posts. This will block them from popping up.


How to Make a Live Photo a Boomerang on Instagram

Make a live photo a boomerang in the Instagram app when you try. First, take a live photo. Then, open the photo on Instagram. Hold down on the image until a boomerang option comes up. Easy as that!


How to Find Cute Stickers For IG Stories

We're sure you know this already, but there are tons of cute stickers on Instagram that you can add to your Stories. If you're looking for chic, boho, and just generally cute stickers, TikToker @meganhomme has the keywords for you. When you're in the "Gif" section of Instagram Stories, go to the search bar at the top of the screen. Type in "ohlalalita," "mikalya," "boho," and more to find cute stickers.


How to Take Instagram Photos by Yourself

Take stunning IG photos without the help of anyone when you use @heynicolewong's advice. First, set up your camera on a tripod with the front-facing camera open. Try different poses and see how they look. Once you found the pose you like, switch the camera around so the back camera is facing you. Then record a video, and screenshot the poses you like best.


How to Create a Theme in an Instagram Chat

Make your DMs more fun when you set a theme to each chat. To do this, go to the chat you want to upgrade, and click "Info." Then go to "Theme," and pick the colour you want!


How to Make Your Photos Look as Good as an Influencers

Influencers use apps to get like-worthy pictures, and if you want to up your game, you can use 'em, too. Download Retouch to remove things in your image, use Lightroom to adjust lighting, and if you want to see how your grid is going to look after you post a picture, use Unum. Now get snappin'!


How to Flip Your Front-Facing Camera on Your iPhone to Mirror Mode

If you usually open Snapchat to take a selfie because you hate the way you look in your front-facing camera on your iPhone, follow this trick. Just go to "Camera" in the Settings app, and press "Mirror Front Camera." Who knew?


How to Use the Eraser Tool in Instagram Stories

Use the eraser tool to make your IG stories more interesting. Here's how to do it: upload the photo you want to use to your IG story. Then, click the marker tool. This will lead you to the eyedrop tool. Click and hold down on the screen, and it will make the background the colour you want. Use the eraser tool to erase the colour and reveal the photo. You're work here is done!


How to Save a TikTok Video Without a Watermark For Instagram Reels

Save a TikTok video without the watermark for IG Reels by following these steps. Go to the app store and download SaveTok. Then go to the TikTok video you want, and hit the copy link button. Go to SaveTok and add the video. The watermark will then go away.


How to Look Taller in Instagram Photos

If you want to look taller in IG photos, follow these tips. First, dress tall. This means to wear short shirts and high-rise pants. Then, make sure the photo is taken from a low angel. Finally, feel free to use the vertical tool to adjust your photo.


How to Bring Followers to a New Instagram Post

If you just posted a photo and you want people to see it, this is the trick you gotta follow. First, find an image you want to use for your Story. Then, upload it to your Story and save it. Upload the new post you want people to see to your Story. Then, add in the image you just saved from your Story. Make it full-screen, and this way anytime someone taps on your Story, they will be directed to your post.


How to Take an Instagram Photo Using Video

Take Instagram photos without the help of others by using @urmanieflop's tip. Take a video at 4k-60, and screenshot the frame you like best. How easy is that?


How to Make an Instagram Story More Interesting

Add more pizzazz to your IG Story when you follow this cool trick. Once you have a photo uploaded to your story, write out a period. Pick the background colour you want for the text, and enlarge the period. This will create cool designs then can you drag all over the image.


How to Take Good Instagram Photos

Step up your photo game when you follow @joefloww_'s tip. Set up your camera on a tripod and make sure the grid is on. Use a camera shutter remote control to snap photos while you move around the frame. You'll love the results!


How to Edit Instagram Photos

Use next-level apps to edit your Instagram photos. Apps such as Lens Buddy, Unum, Snapseed, and VSCO will help you get influencer-style pictures to post. Go forth, and edit away!


How to Create a Brushstroke Effect on Instagram Story

Want to create a cool brushstroke effect on your Story? Of course you do! To do so, make sure you're using the fourth font to the left when you open up the fonts on Stories. Then, type a period and enlarge the text. You can now place this anywhere on your screen. We suggest putting it in a corner like @americanthreads did to highlight the brushstroke style.


How to Add Mockup to Your Instagram Stories

Go to your Instagram Story page, and swipe all the way to the right. Browse effects and type in "mockup." You can choose from really cool designs, and totally upgrade your stories.
