You Won’t Believe How Much Food 1 Woman Prepped in Just 30 Minutes

Meal prepping can give you a huge leg up on eating healthy. After all, when all your meals and snacks are within reach as soon as you wake up and get home, it's easier to stay on track and not get distracted by unhealthy options. However, many people assume that meal prep takes forever and will eat up your entire Saturday or Sunday.

One woman debunked this myth by showing all the food she was able to prep in just 30 minutes. Pelin, of @fitwomeneat, posted a photo of grilled chicken, boiled eggs, pan-seared cod, roasted Brussels sprouts, and more fruits and veg she prepped for the week on Instagram. She wanted to prove that planning and prepping your meals doesn't have to take up half your day.

"Half an hour buffet prep! Took only half an hour? What? Really? And I was also recording for my IG story!" she wrote in the caption. In her Instagram story, she also showed off how she was able to multitask and make all this food at the same time.

Pelin proves that you don't need to prep full meals when planning out your food for the week. Just a few staples like a variety of proteins, veg, complex carbs, and some healthy fats to mix-and-match for meals will do the trick. She even included a treat with the dark chocolate squares, which would make for a quick and tasty dessert eaten with a handful of berries. Not only will prepping this way save you time, but it also means you won't get sick of having the same meal every day for a week.

Meal prepping doesn't have to be complicated. Stick to the basics like Pelin did and you'll have a full week's worth of food in just 30 minutes.
