These 80 Day Obsession Transformations Will Inspire You to Sign Up Immediately

One of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs is 80 Day Obsession, designed by supertrainer Autumn Calabrese. It involves 80 days of unique daily video workouts, plus a specific portion-controlled meal plan to follow, and takes 13 weeks to complete. Each workout builds on the day before to help you get stronger every day. It's fun, fast-paced, you can do it at home (or wherever you are), and the most important thing is that it works! Look through these transformation photos to see what can happen with 80 days of determination and consistency.

"I transformed my mind in the last 80 days more than my body."

"This is what my body can do when I feed it appropriately and move it with purpose. This is the result of following the workout program to plan for 80 workouts coupled with sticking to the WW Freestyle plan."

"Results from 80 Day Obsession
Day 1 ➡️ Day 80
Weight: 143.6 lbs ➡️ 130.8 lbs"

"Round 2 of 80 Day Obsession."

"80 days, ~8 pounds and 14 inches lost. Enormous amounts of comfort, energy, and confidence gained."

"This was my result from 80 Day Obsession when it rolled out January 2018! I was so nervous and scared of doing a program for 80 days! And timed nutrition on top of that! Keep track of what I was eating? Didn't think I could do it!! WELL I DID AND SO CAN YOU!"

"TODAY IS DAY 80! and the results are IN! I lifted so heavy this morning in the last workout (booty day, obvs) and felt so dang proud of myself! I am not the strongest I have ever been (thanks to being a yoked nut in high school), BUT! I am definitely the strongest I have ever been as a mama."

"That is a transformation for me. Working out used to be a means to an end — but now there is no end. And I'm just enjoying the ride and celebrating each day."

"I won't promise you it will be easy but if you commit to this program and trust the process, I promise it will be worth it!"

"My body has come a long way over the last year — we must always celebrate how far we've come!"

"I myself am more confident, enthusiastic, and I feel my energy radiating off of me. Through this program I have lost 17.5 inches in total; 5.25 inches from my waist alone!"
