PS UK Product Review Guidelines and Disclosures

PS creates content that is honest, inclusive, and accessible — and that includes product testing and reviews.

Whether you're looking for the best blusher for your skin tone or LED mask, we test out emerging trends and viral products while also tracking down the best deals across all lifestyle categories. Think of us as your friend who has the perfect answer for every skin-care concern or home decor dilemma.

As with all PS UK content, our writers and editors adhere to rigorous journalistic standards when reviewing products. You can trust that we'll only recommend products and services that we have personally tested, have been recommended by a credentialed expert, or have extensive and reliable excellent reviews by consumers.

How We Test Products

Each year, PS UK writers and editors test hundreds of products. The PS UK team undergoes a highly detailed multi-step process to review each and every item. However, we're only human, and our team is only capable of trying so many products, so occasionally we rely on the opinions and reviews of experts and customers to learn more about things we've never tried before. We will always disclose to our readers when we've sourced our information from reviews in this way.

When we're reviewing products personally, the first step is discovery. PS UK writers and editors comb through pitches from PR professionals through an editorial lens. We pay close attention to what's going viral on social media, from TikTok to Pinterest to Instagram. We take note of what our friends are loving, needing, and craving in our group chats. Then we collect all that information and scour the market to find the best products that meet our readers' needs and budgets.

In order to test the products personally, we purchase, rent, or receive samples from brands with full disclosure (more on this under "Disclosures"). We then use the item for a set amount of time — which can range from three weeks to several years — to give a fair and honest assessment.

Our beauty team tests foundations on multiple skin tones. Fitness writers and editors have experts weigh in The balance writers and editors try everything from sleep gummies to smart rings.

After thoroughly evaluating each product, we deliver comprehensive and detailed reviews for our readers. And we do it all with integrity.

Why You Can Trust Us

PS UK writers and editors go to great lengths to deliver fair and unbiased reviews. We try to communicate the pros and cons of each item in separate sections that detail who the item is best for and who should avoid it. These sections could describe a couch that's perfect for large families but won't work in a small apartment, or a foundation what gives great coverage, but doesn't have enough colours to be inclusive.

In individual product reviews, we aim to include a section called "What to Consider…" where we address any imperfections. If there's a discrepancy between what is marketed and what we actually receive, we'll explain it there. If we feel a product is expensive and not worth the potential splurge, we'll share that as well.

If these sections aren't included in a story, the team is actively working to update the review with accurate and up-to-date information.

We try to advise you on everything to consider before making your purchase, ensuring you have all the information you need before adding to cart.


As trusted editors and writers, it's our responsibility to be transparent. To that end, we will openly disclose free samples as well as affiliate revenue. If PS UK editors or writers are given a free sample to write a review, we will disclose that we received the item courtesy of the brand.

Every editorial product is independently selected by our writers and editors, but if you buy something through our links, we may earn commission.

Neither free samples nor affiliate revenue opportunities will impact our ability to assess products independently or our commitment to delivering product reviews that are, above all, honest and fair.