Jess Went From Size 16 to Size 2 Doing This 1 Thing Before Every Meal (It's Not Drinking Water)

Jess Dukes
Jess Dukes

Jess Dukes (@mrsdukesfitspo on Instagram) wasn't overweight growing up, but she told POPSUGAR that once she graduated from college, her lifestyle changed. Going out to eat a lot and sitting at a desk all day slowly packed on the weight. "I convinced myself that my jeans were shrinking in the dryer and before I knew it, I had gained about 75 pounds (just over 5 stone) in less than two years," Jess said. Find out how she turned her life around and what changes she made to lose the weight and completely transform her body (and her life!).

Jess's Weight-Loss Journey Begins
Jess Dukes

Jess's Weight-Loss Journey Begins

Jess started her weight-loss journey in 2012. At 24 years old and 215 pounds (just over 15 stone), she felt insecure and unhappy with herself. After graduating University, Jess started going out to lunch with coworkers, going to happy hour, and skipping the gym. With a desk job, she didn't get a lot of activity in.

"I became really addicted to food and my every thought was consumed by what I was going to be able to eat next. I was winded after walking up a flight of stairs and didn't even recognise myself anymore," Jess shared. She had a wake-up call at a work event she attended and realised that a lot of her unhappiness stemmed from her weight. "It held me back from dating, going after my goals, and social gatherings, etc. Until then, I didn't realise how much my weight had held me back from living my life," Jess said.

Jess's Diet
Jess Dukes

Jess's Diet

Jess lost the first 3 and a half stone in nine months, then went through two pregnancies, so it took her four years to lose the total 75 pounds (5 st 5 lbs). Her diet played a huge role, and she followed the Portion Fix Meal Plan from Beachbody (the one with the colour-coded containers). It's all about clean eating in the right portions for your body based on where you are now and what your goals are.

"I eat roughly 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, but I do not track calories and macros. That is one of the perks of my meal plan," Jess shared.

What Jess Eats in a Day
Jess Dukes

What Jess Eats in a Day

Breakfast: Chicken sausage with sweet potatoes.
Lunch: Big salad topped with chicken, vegetables, healthy fats like avocado, and clean salad dressing, and a healthy carb like homemade sweet potato chips on the side.
Snack: Superfood shake "to help me stay on track throughout the evening."
Dinner: A protein and lots of veggies, like a flank steak with broccoli.

Jess's Workouts
Jess Dukes

Jess's Workouts

Jess started her journey in the gym and quickly switched over to Beachbody workouts at home. "I loved that I didn't have to leave my house in order to get in a great workout and it was like working out with a trainer every day without having to pay for one!" Jess said. She's been doing at-home programs for five years and has completed many programs that combine cardio and weightlifting. She typically works out six days a week, and each workout is around 30 minutes long.

Jess's Nonscale Victories
Jess Dukes

Jess's Nonscale Victories

The biggest nonscale victory Jess has noticed is confidence. "It is an incredible feeling to wake up each day and just feel good in my own skin and actually like what I see in the mirror," she said. "I no longer feel sluggish all the time and actually have energy to take on the day!" Jess has gone from a size 18-20 to a size 6-8 (A US 16 to a US 2), and she loves being able to wear whatever she wants and finally fit her calves into cute Winter boots!

How Jess Stays Motivated
Jess Dukes

How Jess Stays Motivated

"I am human too and I get into funks along my journey all the time. I think one of the most important things I have learned along the way is that motivation comes and goes for everyone." Here's a little trick that keeps Jess motivated: from day one, she has written her "whys" out on notecards and reads them before each meal, workout, and any time she is feeling weak.

Jess's "Whys"
Jess Dukes

Jess's "Whys"

"My whys over the years have included things like wearing a bikini, fitting into my wedding dress, specific numbers on the scale, to set a good example for my kids, to be healthy on the inside, feeling good in my own skin, to be able to have my own before-and-afters, and to make myself proud." She likes to remind herself why she is doing this. Reading all of the reasons she wants this helps her through those periods when she's lacking motivation.

"Our journey is like a roller coaster with lots of highs and lows." Jess added, "I always remind myself that if I get off the roller coaster every time I hit a low, I will never get to experience the highs!"

Jess's Advice
Jess Dukes

Jess's Advice

The simple advice Jess has to share from her four-year journey is to just keep going. "I know this journey can be hard, but now, finally being at my goal weight, I can say that all of the effort is totally worth it."

Final Thoughts
Jess Dukes

Final Thoughts

Remember that life is too short to live your life being held back by your weight. It is hard to lose weight, it is hard to maintain your weight, but it is also hard to be overweight and unhealthy. Jess said to choose your hard and always remind yourself that the time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well make the most of it!