Burn Fat and Build Muscle With This 1-Week Weightlifting Workout Plan

POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

If you want to start lifting weights more often but have no idea what to do in the gym, we've got you covered. We've created this one-week weightlifting plan that's suitable for all levels, so grab your dumbbells, your water, and a towel, and get ready to start! For maximal muscle growth and fat loss, we suggest following this program for four weeks. After that, start to increase your weights and graduate to tougher movements so you can keep challenging yourself.

PS: Don't forget to warm up before every workout and cool down after, and check out this guide if you need help choosing the right weight.

Monday: Legs and Core
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Monday: Legs and Core


Complete the designated sets and reps for each exercise before advancing. Take your time, and focus on your form. If you're a beginner, use your bodyweight when applicable or 3- to 5-kilogram dumbbells. If you're more advanced, select a weight that will challenge you during your final three reps.


Complete two sets of the following exercises. Take one minute of rest in between each set.

Tuesday: Arms
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Tuesday: Arms

Complete the designated sets and reps for each exercise before advancing. Take your time, and focus on your form. Be sure to challenge yourself with the weight.

Wednesday: Cardio
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Wednesday: Cardio

Thursday: Stretch and Recover
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Thursday: Stretch and Recover

You're already halfway through the week, so it's time for some recovery. Foam roll for 10 minutes. If you're feeling sore, we suggest taking an Epsom salt bath. Be sure to hydrate during and after.

Friday: Total-Body Conditioning
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Friday: Total-Body Conditioning

Complete three to four sets of the following circuit. Take little to no rest in between each exercise and three minutes of rest in between sets. If you're a beginner, use your bodyweight when applicable or 3- to 5-kilogram dumbbells. If you're more advanced, select a weight that will challenge you during your final three reps.

Saturday: Yoga or Mobility
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Saturday: Yoga or Mobility

Take today to stretch and/or work on your mobility. Follow one of the workouts below, or come up with your own flow. If yoga isn't your thing, foam roll and stretch for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Sunday: Rest
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Sunday: Rest

You've been putting in work all week long, so use today to rest and reset for next week. No workout necessary: go on a walk, hang out with your friends, and do what makes you happy!