4 Sleeping Habits That Are Hindering Your Fitness Success

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock
POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Getting into a consistent fitness routine can be tough, especially when you don't make changes to your overall lifestyle. Although you don't have to completely overhaul how you live, changing certain habits — that seemingly have nothing to do with your workouts — can drastically ease your journey to becoming a bolder, fitter version of yourself.
There are myriad reasons why getting better rest can benefit your health and wellness, and if you're on a quest to live a fitter lifestyle, it may just be the key to keeping you consistent. Read on for four sleep habits you might not know are standing in the way of your success.

Snoozing Through Mornings

You don't have to be a bona-fide morning person to hack your way into enjoying the benefits of early rises. One of the best ways to make sure you don't snooze your way through your scheduled a.m. workouts is to get a good night's sleep, because it lessens the dread and grogginess out of an early start.

Not Having a Routine

Not sticking to a good sleep schedule leaves you susceptible to excess fatigue and a disrupted sleeping pattern because it doesn't allow your circadian rhythm to regulate itself. Aside from tiredness and lack of motivation, your internal body clock also controls the release of certain hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can affect everything from energy levels to mood.

Not Sleeping Enough

Sleep isn't just a time to rest your weary bones; it's also essential for uninterrupted mental rest and muscle repair, which respectively allow you to face all goals — fitness and otherwise — with a relaxed and motivated attitude and see results and gains from all your hard work.

Spending Weekends in Bed

There's nothing wrong with having a lie-in, but if you've developed social jetlag and wait for the weekend to catch up on sleep, you run the risk of derailing your workout schedule. Sleeping in too late on weekends to recover from late night during the week gives you less time in the day to be productive and can force you to throw weekend workouts by the wayside in favour of spending what's left of the day enjoying more leisurely activities.