If You Thought Planks Were Hard, Wait Until You Try This Ab-Strengthening Move

POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

If you've already mastered basic core-strengthening exercises like planks, I recommend mixing up your ab workouts by adding more advanced moves into your routine (but keep doing planks because they're great).

One move that I love, and slightly despise because of how much it challenges me, is ab circles. It works your six-pack muscles, transverse abdominis (the deep core muscles that act like a corset and stabilises your spine and pelvis), and there's a little bit of oblique action involved, too.

You're 100 percent going to feel all of your ab muscles turn on after a few reps of ab circles. Along with eating quality foods and consistent exercise, this move will have you on your way to sculpted abs.

How to Do Glider Ab Circles

For this exercise you'll need a pair of core sliders or a medium-sized towel.

  • Start in plank position with a glider underneath each foot. If you don't have gliders, you can use a towel on a hard surface to perform this exercise.
  • Engage your core and bring both knees in toward your left elbow. With control, move the gliders in a clockwise rotation until you're back at the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Perform five reps going clockwise and five reps going counterclockwise. Repeat for a total of two sets.