Add These 11 Hunger-Satiating Ingredients to Your Oatmeal to Stay Full Until Lunch

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

If weight loss is your goal, oatmeal is one of the best breakfast choices. Not only is it quick and easy, but eating whole grains like rolled oats or steel-cut oats keeps you feeling full longer. Sometimes oats aren't enough, though, so add a few of these ingredients to your bowl to sate your hunger for hours.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


It sounds odd, but mashing beans into your oatmeal adds fiber, protein, and a creamy consistency without any weird taste (promise!). White beans work great with vanilla, maple, or cinnamon flavors, and black beans work well with chocolate oatmeal.

Nut Butter
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Nut Butter

Stir in some almond, cashew, or peanut butter to add healthy fats, fiber, and protein. The healthy fats contribute to feeling satiated, and add a creamy decadence that makes your oatmeal more exciting and dessert-like.

Protein Powder
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Protein Powder

Oats on their own aren't super high in protein, and eating enough protein is a must to satiate hunger. An easy way to get added protein is to stir in some protein powder — this recipe uses chocolate, but vanilla or any another flavor works. You can use this trick with overnight oats or hot oatmeal.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


You add greens to your smoothie without even batting an eye, so why not add them to your oatmeal? Before pouring the soymilk into your oatmeal, throw it in the NutriBullet with one and a half cups of loosely packed spinach or kale.

Chia Seeds
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Chia Seeds

Protein and fiber powerhouses, chia seeds are a must for making your bowl of oats feel more satisfying. Sprinkle in one tablespoon, and for just 60 calories, you'll add four grams of filling fiber and two grams of hunger-satiating protein.

Fresh Fruit
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Fresh Fruit

Skip the sweeteners and go for fresh fruit instead. The fiber will keep you fuller longer so you eat less throughout the day. Aside from the usuals like berries and chopped apples, try mashed banana to offer consistent sweetness in every bite.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


Give your taste buds a break from the consistently creamy texture of oatmeal and add some nuts. Not only does crunching on bites of almonds, cashews, pecans, or walnuts make your brain sense that a meal is more satisfying, but the protein and healthy fats will also make it more filling in your stomach.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


If you're not a fan of the texture of wet chia seeds in your oatmeal, choose flaxmeal instead. It, too, offers fiber and protein to contribute to that "I'm full" feeling.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


Add protein and creaminess to your oats by stirring in some yogurt. If you're dairy-free, go for soy or almond, as they are higher in protein than coconut milk yogurt. Upping the protein in your bowl will make you feel more satisfied right after you finish your last spoonful and will also satiate your hunger for hours.

Peanut Butter Powder
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Peanut Butter Powder

Like protein powder, peanut butter powder (such as the brand PB2) is another quick and easy source of protein you can stir into your oats. If you're trying to watch your daily fat intake, it contains 85 percent less fat than standard peanut butter.