Crush Your Next Ab Session With This Trainer's 5-Move Stability Ball Workout

As a personal trainer, I'm always asked what the best ab routine is and what I personally do to train my core. Like most things fitness, the answer is subjective since there's more than one way to strengthen and define the abdominal muscles. For my own ab workouts, I'm always switching it up. Sometimes I use resistance, sometimes I stick to the exercises I know will strengthen my core and help manage my lower-back pain, and other times I like to turn up the intensity and really challenge myself.

This five-move workout definitely falls under the intense category; it's challenging and will improve your stability and overall core strength. Before you go any further, I do not advise this workout for beginners. Instead, try this beginner routine first, and gradually work your way up to this stability ball workout.

The Workout

Perform the designated reps for each exercise, taking little to no rest in between exercises. Rest for one to two minutes and repeat the five-exercise circuit for a total of two rounds.

  • Stir the pot: 10 reps, clockwise and counterclockwise
  • Ball mountain climbers: 12 reps
  • Ball knee tucks: 12 reps
  • Ball pikes: 10 reps
  • Ball pass: 10 reps
Stir the Pot
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Stir the Pot

  • Begin in an elbow plank with your forearms resting on the top of a ball.
  • Keeping your core strong and your body still, use your arms to roll the ball in a small clockwise circle. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 10 reps each direction.
Ball Mountain Climbers
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Ball Mountain Climbers

  • Begin in a high plank with your hands resting on the top of a ball.
  • With your core engaged, bring your right knee forward under your chest, with the toes just off the ground. Return to your high plank. Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 12 reps.
Ball Knee Tucks
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Ball Knee Tucks

  • Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your shins on the ball.
  • Do not allow your lower back to arch. Keep your feet, pelvis, and shoulders in one long line.
  • On an exhale, pull the ball forward toward your hands. Extend your legs as you push the ball backward, returning to your starting position. This completes one rep.
  • Complete for a total of 12 reps.
Ball Pikes
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Ball Pikes

  • Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your shins on the ball with your feet, pelvis, and shoulders in one long line.
  • On an exhale, pull your abs deeply to your spine and use your abs to fold your body in half, pulling the ball forward toward your hands as your pelvis moves up in the air.
  • Your toes will move onto the top of ball and your back will become perpendicular to the floor, like a handstand. Allow your head to fall between your arms, keeping your neck long and in line with your spine.
  • Lower yourself back into a plank position.
  • Complete 10 reps.
Ball Pass
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Ball Pass

  • Lie on your back, holding an exercise ball above your chest, extending your feet up toward the ceiling.
  • On an exhale, move your arms and legs away from each other, lowering both toward the ground. Inhale to bring them back toward each other, and transfer the ball from your hands to your legs.
  • Then lower your arms and legs toward the floor away from each other.
  • Bring them back together, transferring the ball back to your hands.
  • Complete 10 reps.