Ready to Go Vegan? Here's a 7-Day Meal Plan to Get You Started

POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Figuring out what to eat every single day can be exhausting, especially if you're new to the vegan diet game. Maybe you want to try making something you've never made before or you just want a change from your usual. Whatever it is, we're packing our favourite recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks so you can see just how versatile the vegan diet truly is. From mac and "cheese" to delicious breakfast bars, the possibilities are truly endless.

By the end of this one-week meal plan — a mix of healthy and indulgent because balance is always key — you'll see that the vegan diet can be fun and delicious without eating tofu every day. Kick-start your plant-based journey now and see what's cooking.

POPSUGAR Photography | Nicole Perry


Breakfast: tofu scramble with kale and sweet potatoes

Lunch: spring rolls

Snack: fruit and vegan chocolate (EatingEvolved Cashew Milk Bars are heaven!)

Dinner: Olivia Wilde's "bolognese"

Damn Delicious


Breakfast: chocolate almond protein bars (this recipe makes plenty for the next day, so you save time)

Lunch: vegan pizza

Snack: grilled zucchini

Dinner: cauliflower rice stir-fry

Well Plated by Erin


Breakfast: chocolate almond protein bars (from the day before)

Lunch: lentil meatballs — I promise you won't miss the real thing!

Snack: pita chips and carrots with hummus

Dinner: chickpea coconut curry with sweet potatoes

POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr


Breakfast: chocolate peanut butter oatmeal

Lunch: avocado pesto pasta (Banza chickpea pasta is a great option for even fewer calories)

Snack: vegan yoghurt and fresh fruit

Dinner: white bean salad

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar


Breakfast: chia pudding (create your own flavour combo!)

Lunch: Mexican tempeh quinoa salad

Snack: edamame

Dinner: creamy vegan mac and cheese — because we all need to indulge on a Friday night!



Breakfast: berry smoothie

Lunch: chickpea avocado salad

Snack: GoMacro MacroBar

Dinner: vegan lasagna for the entire family

Cookin' Canuck


Breakfast: deluxe acai bowl — ending the week with a bang!

Lunch: Asian-inspired salad

Snack: chips and guac

Dinner: Instant Pot vegetarian chili