11 Coffee-Infused Ice Lollies that'll Give You a Caffeine Fix

Whether you're into bullet proof, cold brew or instant, all coffee-lovers will agree that getting your caffeine fix first thing in the morning can be hard during the Summer. Instead of taking the time out to fix yourself an iced coffee every morning, try prepping the following ice lollies for the perfect grab-and-go snacks that'll put a pep in your step.

Vietnamese Coffee Lollies

Vietnamese Coffee Lollies

Creamy Cold Brew Lollies

Creamy Cold Brew Lollies

Get the recipe: creamy cold brew lollies

Mocha Cream Lollies

Mocha Cream Lollies

Get the recipe: mocha cream lollies

Chocolate Dipped Mocha Iced Coffee Lollies

Chocolate Dipped Mocha Iced Coffee Lollies

Dairy-Free Coffee Lollies

Dairy-Free Coffee Lollies

Turkish Coffee Lollies

Turkish Coffee Lollies

Get the recipe: Turkish coffee lollies

Cold Brew Iced Mocha Pops

Cold Brew Iced Mocha Pops

Easiest Iced Coffee Lollies

Easiest Iced Coffee Lollies

Get the recipe: iced coffee lollies

Irish Coffee Lollies

Irish Coffee Lollies

Get the recipe: Irish coffee lollies

Creamy Iced Coffee Pops with Espresso and Cacao Nib Crunch

Creamy Iced Coffee Pops with Espresso and Cacao Nib Crunch