Jillian Michaels Shares the Crazy-Effective Workouts That Keep Her in Shape

Jillian Michaels made a name for herself with her tough-love attitude as a trainer on The Biggest Loser. Since then, Jillian has spun off her own exercise DVDs and bestselling books, has launched a podcast and workout app, and is a busy mom to two kids. But Jillian doesn't just look good while doing it all; she's in amazing shape, as evidenced by the workouts she shares on Instagram.

While she no doubt has a busy schedule, she still makes time to get in a crazy-effective workout. Once a week, Jillian shares a different circuit on her Instagram that targets a specific group of muscles: core, back, shoulders, or lower-body. And even though she makes the moves look easy, there's no doubt they'll leave you in a pool of sweat.

Check out some of Jillian's exercises, and if you're up to feeling challenged, incorporate them into your own gym routine.

Back Circuit

Tone and sculpt a sexy back with this circuit from Jillian. She recommends performing the full circuit three times.

Full-Body Circuit

Some of the moves in this circuit are definitely advanced, which is why Jillian calls it a "challenge circuit." She recommends trying just a few reps the hard way and modifying if you need to. Shoot for two full circuits at 30 seconds per move.

Back Challenge Circuit

Target your back with this challenge circuit. Do each move for 30 seconds and complete two rounds.

Booty Circuit

Strengthen and build your glutes with this lower-body circuit. It uses weights and machines, so you'll want to do this at your gym. Do each move for 30 seconds and move on to the next move with as little rest in between as possible for three total rounds.

Leg Circuit

Feel the burn in your quads and hamstrings with this leg circuit. Do each move for 30 seconds and complete the circuit three times total.

Ab Circuit

These exercises are for a "sexy stomach" as Jillian says. Do each move for 30 seconds in a circuit style for four rounds.

Core Circuit

Working your core isn't just about sculpting sexy abs; strengthening your core will help with your overall balance, strength, and posture. This challenging circuit will test your balance and patience. Do each move for 30 seconds for three rounds total.
