Riverdale: The Last Few Minutes of the Season 3 Premiere Take Such a Wild Turn — We're Shook

The CW

It's safe to say that Riverdale's third season is going to be wild. In true CW fashion, the premiere starts off with the usual dramatics we've come to expect before everything goes completely off the rails and takes a turn for the bizarre. What is going on with Dilton and Ben, and is that monster real? Have the Cooper women officially lost it? Should someone call Child Protective Services, because we're pretty sure holding your babies over a fire isn't the way to win any parenting awards. Needless to say, we weren't the only ones reeling from that premiere — viewers had a lot to say about this season's opener, though most people were left with more questions than anything else. Keep reading for some of the best reactions, and buckle up — this season of Riverdale is going to be one hell of a ride.
